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Our Internet Law Library features extensive summaries of court decisions shaping the law of the web; providing facts, analysis and pertinent quotes from cases covering domain name disputes, email, jurisdiction, linking, spam, trademark, contract, copyright, online defamation, encryption, first amendment, gambling, right of publicity, shrink-wrap... ~ Details
The Internet Law & Policy Forum (ILPF) is a nonprofit business association that was formed in 1995 by leading companies such as Netscape, AOL, Visa, Fujitsu and British Telecom. The organization focuses on the complex issues facing governments and businesses as the Internet becomes an increasingly significant aspect of our economy and society. ~ Details
IBLS is the leader in keeping everyone who uses the Internet apprised of the global laws and regulations that affect their online experience. ~ Details
Established in 1939 and a member of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. family of publishers since 1984, Pike & Fischer publishes and produces authoritative business, legal and regulatory information products and services. ~ Details

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